15+ Outdoor Deck Ideas for Better Backyard Entertaining

Outdoor Deck Ideas – As soon as you finished design the interior of the house, you will start planning the layout of house outside area. Outdoor deck idea is one of the many points to consider when planning layout for outdoor area.

That being said that outdoor deck mostly served as representation of the backyard. People first impression of a house mostly goes to the backyard area where it becomes one of a great place to spend time with friends and family.

As outdoor deck has important role for the entire look of the house, it is crucial to choose the best design for the idea before actually renovate it. We have gathered some layout ideas and highlighted some areas that should be put in the first consideration.

You can use this guide to provide the best outdoor deck ideas with functionality, good appearance, and also great entertainment space for the family for years to come.

Consider Building And Construction Products


When it comes to outdoor deck ideas, the main consideration should be the material used for the construction. There are many materials which usually used for outdoor deck but here are the common four materials.

  • Redwood – there are numerous type of timbers such as Redwood and also Cedar are quite durable for backyard. Despite the expensive price, Redwood is suitable for outdoor backyard due to the good finish and durability.
  • Pressure-Treated Limber – if you are still into wood finish look, the pressure-treated limber should be in the list. It is the most preferred material for classic wood appearance. Despite the beautiful classic look, pressure-treated limber requires intensive maintenance and prone to bending after extensive use.
  • Compound – composite product or plastic requires little maintenance once in a while. However, your choice of compound material may be limited in terms of color options but there are still other alternatives materials.
  • Lightweight aluminium – this material is considered the sturdiest for backyard deck among the others. Despite the performance, lightweight aluminium is the most expensive among other types of materials.

Those are some recommendation for the backyard materials. If you have one in mind, you may need to conduct extensive research to decide which one works best to the backyard before actually choosing one.

Focus On Functional Areas


When you start designing the backyard, including separating the areas for the deck, you will need to carefully think on how you will use the area. This is especially important when you are going to divide the use of deck in two or three different purpose. If you are going to separate the backyard into multiple purpose, you can use some furnishing to help you visually divide the space into the desired purposes.

You can think of having a small barbecue table in the backyard or may be creating a small open kitchen for food preparation station close to the grill for those barbecue nights.

You may also need to consider more than one seating for you to loosen up those muscles or you can also simply use one huge table as a statement as well as the center place when you wish to have outside meal.

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Consider Circulation Of Activity


After you are finished with the outdoor deck ideas and design, the next thing to consider is the amount of the activity carried out in the area. For most people, outdoor deck is the place where they can gather and bond with friends and families.

Whatever design that you choose, such as climbing up levels from lower ground, personal carrying trays from the grill side, or children running around, it is crucial to develop the space with flow motion as consideration.

If you divide the backyard into some smaller place, you will need to make sure that there is a clear difference of function between one areas and the other in the backyard. If you are not sure whether there is actually enough left area, you can step back and see the backyard from distance.

Through this way, you will automatically see when there is more space. However, when you are not sure, always remember that leaving one open space is always a better choice.

Include Several Degrees


If you are in doubt for not having enough room to wander around, think about having a couple of deck levels for the outdoor deck ideas. Creating integrated deck levels allows you to add more space for various purposes and also gives you more control of the final look of the outdoor deck.

When creating several decks with level, you may want to consider the function of each space based on its own degree. In addition, you will also need to connect all level of decks with similar deck design. Also important to note, that all level of decks should be connected with easily-access and safe stairs. So, it will be easier to move from one level to another without the need to walk around.

Strategy Outdoor Deck Ideas Around Entertaining


Most of the time, the deck will shine as the most cozy, enjoyable, and entertaining space of the house. Whether you want to provide simple laid-back supper for the family or hold a huge treat for close friend and colleagues, you will need to make sure that the outdoor deck can accommodate and organize the event as the basic function.

For better look, you can add the suitable lightings and maybe couple of audio speakers. This will add more entertainment atmosphere to the outdoor deck. If you function the deck for party venue, you will need to add open kitchen space and perhaps wet bar for a wonderful outdoor deck ideas. This surely makes it easier for you to prepare the food while the party happens outdoor.

Outdoor Deck Ideas

After bunch of things to consider, by now you surely have the general idea for the outdoor deck. You will carefully think of the deck functionality as well as the feature to add more value of the outdoor deck. No worry if you are still not sure of the general vision of the outdoor deck, here are some wonderful ideas for reference.

Sofa And Ottoman Arrangement


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If the main function of the outdoor deck is to gather with families and friends, you can choose the sofa and ottoman arrangement. You can choose the sofa and ottoman with matching color to the deck and the arrangement should be in circle. So, the arrangement of the sofa will support the discussion and add more togetherness.

Stunning Wood Deck


Wood deck is always in trend. The classic look of furnished wood adds elegant value to the house. This type of wood deck also automatically makes statement without the need to add intricate detail. You can choose the type of sturdy wood timber such as Redwood, teak, or cedar for a long lasting deck.

Despite the beautiful classic look, wood deck in actual life requires extensive maintenance depends on the type of the wood being used. If you choose this type of deck, make sure to consider the maintenance requirements as well.

Statement Gas Fireplace


Another classic deck look is statement fireplace. Instead of using the old style fireplace, you can use gas fireplace with cozy sofa around it. The gas fireplace comes in various sizes and shapes but choose one that suit more with the general shape and size of the backyard.

It should not be too big as it will reduce the motion space but too small fireplace will have less function as it is supposed to be. Thus, choosing the right size with the right choice of sofa is crucial for the statement gas fireplace outdoor deck ideas.

Ultra-Modern Oval Deck


Oval deck is lit. It gives ultra-modern look for the house with futuristic touch. The main important point of the oval deck is that material choice.

For futuristic and sleek looking deck, you can choose lightweight aluminum, but if you want elegant and sophisticated look, the timber wood material is always great. Innovative and brand new design for backyard gives nothing than wonderful outdoor deck.

Sleek Outdoor Cooking Area


If you frequently have barbecue or outdoor meal, it is always a great idea to turn the backyard into outdoor cooking area. You can have a small outdoor kitchen with versatile grill and a center table for the design.

The open kitchen design also serves as food preparation station, so, you will not have to go back and forth from the kitchen to the backyard. You can prepare the barbecue or even a party in the open kitchen style deck. Plus, you can choose aluminum material for the sleek and clean look.

Multi-Level Deck Space


Multi-level deck space gives the wide space illusion. This design is also a great option if you want to provide clear separation of functions for example lounge space in the upper level and fireplace space in the lower level and small pool in the ground level. A compact size of deck can look wider with this design idea.

Two-Tier Wooden Deck


Still in the levelling design, the two-tier wooden deck gives great architectural look. The functions of each of the deck level are clear. You can use the first level for lounge space while another level simply for open space.

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Centered Table And Seating


If you want something simple but wonderful, the centered table and seating design can be a great idea. You can choose a statement table which size and shape depends on the backyard and some chairs to surround the table. You can use the table for simple supper, gathering, and many more.

Integrated Bench Seats


Many people may think that smaller backyard is much more difficult to design. But, the integrated bench seats with built-in seats can be a great option. This design allows you to have smaller seats as well as helps save much space for other furniture.

Tiny Seats Area


For smaller space which is quite impossible to add many features, you can turn the space into tiny seats area. You can place couple of seats with small table on the backyard. This may not be as versatile as bigger deck, but you can always have an afternoon tea in that seat.

Outdoor Fireplace


Outdoor fireplace gathers family and friend in those cold nights. You can create a warmer backyard by adding the fireplace as the center next to the various type of seating.

Comfortable Yard Seating


If you want something out of the box for outdoor design, you can always come up with decoration and edgy furnishings. Depends on the theme, you can add decoration to improve the backyard value.

Flowing Furnishings Format


Besides the design, another most important feature of outdoor backyard is the furniture. A good choice of furniture will make statement along with the best view of the backyard. You can choose flowing furniture style, classic style, comfortable style, and many more.

Modern Open Design


Modern look is a good choice for sleek and tidy look. The open space concept also gives wide illusion of the deck. You can complete the design with a good choice of furniture which suits the modern concept.

Wooden Outing Bench


Wooden outdoor deck concept is not over yet. Some people use the wooden concept to create a countryside touch. The wooden outing bench with small open kitchen gives the picnic vibes. The wooden bench style is perfect for late Sunday brunch.

Outdoor Swimming Pool Deck


Outdoor deck and swimming pool is a perfect pair. The calming water in the swimming pool and cozy seating in the edge gives sophisticated look. The seating in the side of the swimming pool allows you to lie down and have a sip of soda after swimming session or you can even held a swimming pool party in the area.

There are plenty of outdoor deck ideas to choose. Most importantly, make sure to match the design with the backyard size, shape, and its general condition. The best design that works best for your backyard will not only gives you an ultimate entertainment space but also functions properly.

Outdoor Deck Ideas

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